What Makes Air Washer Systems A Great Air Cooling Equipment?

Air Washer Cooler

With time, Climatic Conditions are changing and due to increase in global warming the need for sustainable industrial cooling systems are ever increasing. One such sustainable air cooling product is air washer system. The demand for air washer units are getting higher with every passing day. If you are still confused about what an air washer sytem  is, then you have certainly landed yourself on the right page. We are here to help you understand how air washer cooling unit has certainly brought a huge change in the world of air cooling.

What Air Washer?

When it comes to the air washer system, it is basically a machine that follows a simple mechanism to help you with better cooling efficiency. All you need to do is to find a reliable company who can help you with the best version of it. There are many in the business who are providing these systems because of this. Make sure that you research well before connecting with one such name.

Connecting with the right company will ensure that you are benefited with the best of quality. They will understand your needs and help you with it accordingly.

What Benefits It Brings Into Play?

  • It is infused with a Submersible type water pump that helps in water supply continuously.
  • Another amazing part of this system is that it consumes less than 80% of the electricity when compared to refrigerated air conditioning.
  • With the assistance of an air washer, you will be able to have your temperature down to 20 Degrees to save you from warm conditions.
  • It plays a big role in enhancing indoor air quality by expelling fumes, dust, and odours.
  • With the assistance of an air washer, you will be benefited with the attributes of it being natural & sustainable.
  • WIth the help of this system, you can be confident of availing 100% filtered, fresh, and healthy air.
  • The efficiency of evaporative cooling is quite amazing as the temperature gets over the roof.
  • There will be no need to get the doors and windows closed.
  • It enhances productivity in industries through clean, fresh, and cool air.

This shows the reasons why the demand for air washers is getting higher with passing time. You just need to find the right company to help you with the service. If you are looking for assistance then you can always connect with the experts of Evapoler. They have been one of the best companies in the business when it comes to providing air washer solutions.

Say Hello To Energy Efficient Indirect Evaporative Coolers

Indirect evaporative cooling systems are a step closer to air conditioning technology. Its working principle is based on a plate type heat exchanger and they do not use refrigerants as cooling media.

This is the reason they reduce carbon footprint, supply fresh and cool air and also save a considerable amount of energy consumption.

What Is Indirect Evaporative Cooling?

When it comes to Indirect Evaporative cooling, it is more sort of air conditioning. Yes, the way it works and delivers cooling is very much close to air conditioning. But, when it comes to refrigerant based air conditioning, it follows the mechanism of higher Capex and opex. This is not the way the indirect evaporative cooling system works.

When it comes to indirect evaporative cooling solutions, it will be able to deliver the required level of comfort and cooling especially during the time of the rainy season. The respective system is very much energy efficient and will ensure that you get the best service as well. It is also not causing any harm to the environment as well.

The two stage cooling solutions makes this product quite an invention because it paves the way for a refreshing cooling technology that helps you breathe fresh air.

What Are Its Features?

  • The IDE cooling systems will not be adding any kind of moisture in the stage1. This is the reason why it will work better during the time of the rainy season.
  • Another amazing part about IDEC Technology is that it helps you with 5 Degree Centigrade more Cooling and that too with around 60% less moisture when compared to direct evaporative cooling systems.
  • When it comes to Indirect evaporative cooling, it will be needing 30 to 40% less air when compared to DEC.
  • With the help of this system, you will surely get attributes of fresh air that eventually boost productivity as well.
  • Lastly, it will help save energy as well. It requires 40 to 60 percent lower energy consumption when compared to conventional air conditioning systems

So, these are the attributes that show how amazing Indirect evaporative cooling systems are and how it can help you save money and time. Evapoler is here to help you with these systems. Get connected now!

What Makes Industrial Cooling Systems So Popular In All Sectors?

Industrial Cooling Systems

When it comes to industrial cooling, it has been exclusively adopted by modern manufacturing companies in the place of conventional air conditioning systems. There are many benefits that come along with this replacement as well. We are here to discuss the benefits you will get with the respective industrial cooling system.

But before jumping in the pool of benefits, let’s first understand what is this industrial evaporative cooling system.

What is evaporative cooling?

When it comes to industrial cooling systems, it basically operates on the mechanism of creating a natural process of cooling. This is exclusively done with the assistance of evaporation that helps in providing a fresh air flow right into your facilities. Generally what happens is that the respective Evaporative coolers will be circulating hot air through water saturated cooling media which cools down it and delivers the cool fresh air in the destined space.

Benefits You Get With Industrial Evaporative Cooling

As we stated that we are here to help you understand that benefits you get with an industrial cooling system, check it out:

  • The first big benefit you get with an industrial evaporative cooling system is that it provides you energy efficiency solutions. Yes, it has been designed in such a way that it will be saving you around 80 percent of the energy pricing.
  • Another benefit you get with industrial evaporative cooling systems is that you will have fresh air all-around your workspace. Yes, you can be assured that the respective system will be helping you gain 100 percent fresh air that will surely enhance the health of the employees and deliver more productivity.
  • Another major advantage that you get with the industrial cooling system is that you will not have the headache of closing the doors and windows. In fact, it will work well with doors and windows open. So, it’s a big advantage to have as well.
  • You will not have to stress about the pricing related to the industrial cooling system. The operational costs will be as down as stated above around 80 percent. And there will be nothing like maintenance-related costs. So, you will end up saving big time.

So, these are the benefits you will be getting from the industrial cooling system. You need to find the best manufacturers to help you get the maximum out of the above-mentioned benefits. Evapoler is one of the best names in the business to help you with excellent solutions when it comes to industrial cooling systems. Get connected now!

Evaporative Air Coolers Or Air Conditioning – What’s Your Call

Evaporative Air Coolers

With time, the demand for evaporative air coolers is getting higher when compared to regular air conditioning systems. You might be thinking what is making people fall for your evaporative coolers ? You have certainly landed yourself on the right page.

We are here to help you with the reasons that will make it clear why evaporative air conditioning is just what you need! Yes, the natural methodology of evaporative air cooling is certainly giving corporate houses enough benefit to go for it. But, we will help you with a few of the stand out points that are making most of them to go for evaporative central air cooling systems over conventional systems, let’s flow in:

Evaporative Air Cooler or Air Conditioning: Choose the Better

  • Firstly, when it comes to evaporative air cooling systems, they are following natural procedures to help you with the best solution. The evaporative air cooler is not using any kind of chemicals that can literally cause harm to the atmosphere. In fact, it is an eco-friendly way to keep your space cool for a long period of time. This means the air generated by the portable air coolers are safe and eco-friendly when compared to the conventional ones.
  • Secondly, when you compare Evaporative Ductable Cooler with the regular ones, it is way more cost-effective. Yes, with the help of evaporative air coolers, you will not have a lot of operational costs to worry about. As the amount of electricity used is very less, you might have to pay around 50 percent of the payment that you pay for that of your regular ones. These portable air coolers only use electricity to make sure that the fan units and pumps are running proficiently.
  • Thirdly, you will never have to worry about the kind of air they are generating. As conventional ones are using chemicals the air generated is not pure and can lead to health-related issues. But, when it comes to evaporative air coolers, it exclusively uses natural processes to generate air. You can be assured that the air you breathe is pure and enhances your health for sure. The filters in the system protect you from breathing in air filled with contaminants which  can cause a lot of harm to your body.
  •  Fourthly, it is a very important reason that takes these evaporative cooling systems ahead in the race. You will never have to stress about its maintenance at all. It is quite easy to maintain and all because of their simple design and mechanism. You can have their fan motor and water pump replaced with ease as and when required. The parts are not expensive at all and you can have it fixed all by yourself. So, there is no hurdle for you to worry about with evaporative air cooling systems in place.

So, these are the reasons that make evaporative air cooling systems the first choice for sure. When compared to conventional ones, it brings you a lot more benefits to play and help you and your business operations to keep running without any difficulty at all.